About Jewelry and Pendulums
When you are healthy, you are vibrating at a clearer higher level. Your energy centers or “Chakras” are then balanced as well.
Albert Einstein said, “everything in life is vibration.” Crystals and gemstones can offer vibrations to help support us in our daily life and connect us to our goals.
Crystals have been used for thousands of years and continue to be used in our daily lives. Each crystal has a unique healing property derived from the minerals from which it is composed. Crystal healing has been used since the dawn of the human race. It is a fact that crystals emit tiny electrical impulses which activate the human body’s neurological system in a subtle manner. Different crystals possess their own unique energy signal, producing different effects. The power of crystals can be found in our electronics and some places we might not guess: our watches, phones, computers, televisions, and other devices for communication and entertainment.
Having crystals at your desk, around your home, at your bedside and of course wearing them will bring this energy to you and surround you. Many crystals are protecting and deflect negative energy away from you. One example is black tourmaline. Healers can use this stone to protect themselves from their client’s energy as they work on them.
When I meditate, I often hold a crystal or two and have them around my body. They create a loving, peaceful atmosphere to allow the channels open up for me.
My pendulums are like pieces of jewelry to use for dowsing. Whether for healing purposes or for finding answers to questions you may have, each is created with an energy that will help make the connection easier.
For the home and office, I have created a line of protective and supportive crystal wall hangings and mobiles. These Feng Shui corrections help to reduce negative energy in the way of EMF’s (Electromagnetic Fields). Some of this comes from cellphones, microwaves, Wi-Fi routers, computers, and other appliances sending out a stream of invisible energy waves that some experts are concerned about. In addition, the crystals can add light and positive energy, help you to relax, meditate, sleep, or energize you, depending on the stones in the piece.
There are unique healing properties to crystals

About Karen A. Dombrowski-Sobel
As a child, I was drawn to rocks of all sorts. I painted and drew since I was 4, and made jewelry on a loom at 10. Soon crystals sparked my interest and in the 80’s I created one of a kind jewelry that was bought by healers in Manhattan and the NYC area. I worked as an architectural designer and spent my spare time on my passions: photographic art and crystal healing jewelry.
In the 90’s I went full time into my photography and had a state of the art darkroom, where I spent most of my days. My work was selling in galleries in the Hamptons, Carmel and throughout Long Island. On our vacations, my husband, Wally and I collected rare gemstones and crystals.

Then came 9-11-2001 which changed our lives. My husband was at ground zero and lost his business and my art work was not selling in NY like it did prior to 9-11. So I opened a gallery in Manhattan with a friend and worked as a curator and manager for 2 years, selling my photography there as well.
We decided to leave New York and we traveled for a year around the US. During this time I was inspired to write the book “Trees Speak, Healing Ourselves and Our Planet”. It is an environmental photographic book created to inspire positive change in our treatment of the planet. It took me eight years to finish the book.. The published edition of books are currently sold out. However, it is available as an eBook on Amazon or through the website, TreesSpeak.com
We settled in Tucson, home of the Tucson Gem and Mineral show. There I collected a fabulous array of gemstones and crystals which were to become features in my jewelry designs. We would travel to Boulder, CO for a few weeks each summer to visit our children and to avoid the desert heat. We decided to move to Boulder which is where we live now.
You can see my photographic artwork and paintings on kadsphoto.com.
My Other Websites
Since I was old enough to hold a pencil I have been drawing and creating artwork.I painted as a child and learned to create images in the darkroom in high school.
After attaining a degree in design and many years of photography classes from NYC design schools and professional teachers, I put my energy into spiritual and environmental based photographs. I have been creating photographic art and portraits for over 30 years.
My work has been published and sold through galleries in NY, CA, AZ, and CO. I am a member of the NOBO Art District (formerly on the board) and Boulder Chamber of Commerce.
In my book I write about what trees are, their importance to life on this planet, and how we can be better caretakers of these important creatures.
Trees could be the least expensive way to help us with climate change.
I included at least one beautiful photograph on each page, a chapter of poetry about trees, and some simple solutions that can help to create a healthier life for everyone.